Local Government Association
Increasing the uptake of retrofitting measures
For Local Authorities
Facing both a climate crisis and rising energy prices, a consortium of six councils in the South West saw the opportunity to explore behavioural insights as a solution to tackle the low uptake of retrofitting measures as part of the LGA’s behavioural insights programme.
Social Engine was commissioned to share learning and lead the councils through a BI intervention design, with the long-term aim of empowering participating councils to incorporate behavioural insights in their work. Our methodology combined a mix of expert and technical guidance with an action learning approach to support peer-learning and collaboration including several co-production workshops and focused coaching sessions.
Following iterations of co-design, a behavioural intervention centred on loft insulation was trialled on social media. The lessons learned from the trial as well as techniques used during the programme will enable the participating councils to take their own behavioural insights work to the next level, targeting this and other complex behavioural problems.
You can read more about this intervention on the LGA’s website.